Marvel Avengers Alliance Command Points Farming Tips:Easily earn CP

This tips is really not a cheat or hack, but its more like a method for you to gain additional command points without other items.I can say this method can help you get the most command points per energy spent.You should use this method for all your CP needs in Marvel: Avengers Alliance.

Background on CP Farming

If you are a regular player ofMarvel: Avengers Alliance, your critical hits have chances of earning  command points. You have the following chance: 1%/3%/6%/20%/25% (low/medium/high threat/mini-boss/boss.) chance for a marvel avengers alliance command point drop. Roulette command point reward on the other hand is at 15%/10%/5% for 1/3/5 CPs (3/5/10 if epic). Because of that, it makes sense to farm command points inside Marvel Avengers Alliance epic boss fights.

Best Epic Boss to Farm

The best Epic boss to farm early in Marvel: Avengers Alliance is in with Chapter 2-3: Elektra (deploy Black Cat). It is the best because you can unlock this epic boss early in Marvel: Avengers Alliance, which means you will be able to use Elektra to farm for all of your CP needs.

You can read best Weapons List for command farming

Command Points Farming

Finally you need to hit and land critical attacks on the marvel epic boss fight as often as possible. Use weapon like Batstone which deals many attacks in one attack. You can also utilize a weapon that hits all the enemy to boost the number of hits possible. For another hero, you can consider using Human Torch or Daredevil which attacks deal multiple attacks on the epic bosses. However,infiltrators should avoid in Marvel: Avengers Alliance Command Points farming when you are fighting with scrapers. Because the enemy scrappers may end up killing you.